Top Moshi Tracks to Help Teach Your Kids Kindness

Top Moshi Tracks to Help Teach Your Kids Kindness

17 February 2022 • Words by Alyssa Morgan 2 mins

One of the best things we can do as parents to make the world a better place is to foster a generation of compassion, kindness, and empathy…starting in our own homes. Wanting to teach our little ones how to be kind is a given, but knowing where to start can be a little trickier so here are some ways to get started.

Random Acts of Kindness

Performing random acts of kindness with your little ones can be a great avenue for teaching them about compassion and giving back to the community. Start with small, uplifting gestures that you can do together. Not only is it a chance to bond with your kid, but it’ll get those little wheels turning in their heads, planting the seed for them to do it on their own.

Meditations and Stories about Kindness

Getting out isn’t always possible though, so if you’re looking for at-home ways to open up conversations with your family about kindness then check out these 5 Moshi tracks filled to the brim with love, acceptance, and compassion.

Kindness, Caring, and Sharing with Dewy

Be Kind to Your Mind with Professor Feathersnooze

Doris’s World of Knitting

Fuddy the Pudgy Fubble

Roswell’s Moshling Encounter

Alyssa Morgan