- 3 mins
7 Sleep Hygiene Tips to Help Your Kiddo Catch Better ZZZ’s
Even now, I immediately know if my ten-year-old didn’t get enough sleep that night. Grumpy, overly sensitive, and a foggy brain are what I can expect from the day ahead! It’s super important we help our children sleep as well as possible. For their wellbeing as well as ours! Negative sleep patterns or not enough sleep can contribute to a lack of focus, poor memory retention, and lower immunity.
Getting exercise and lots of fresh air can help children sleep better at night. Even in the winter months, it’s still important to get as much sunlight as possible to promote vitamin D levels and create a sleepy feeling at bedtime. A study found that a vitamin D deficiency can result in poorer sleep efficiency. If you live somewhere with low levels of sunlight you may wish to find a supplement that works for the family.
Another great supplement to consider is magnesium. You can pop some magnesium flakes into a warm bath at bedtime to promote sleepiness. The Sleep Foundation found that this nutrient can help us sleep for longer periods. It is also a lovely, natural muscle relaxant. As with all substances and supplements, it is important to consult a suitably qualified professional to check contra-indications and suitability for your child. Magnesium can also be found in greens and whole grains so having a healthy diet is also great for snoozeville.
Kids love predictability so having a consistent bedtime routine can help your child feel secure and safe before bedtime. The National Sleep Foundation has found that children who follow bedtime routines are more likely to go to sleep earlier and wake up less during the night.
Time with your child at bedtime provides an opportunity for them to talk about something that might be bothering them. Listening to their worries or concerns can help them feel heard and validated. This feeling of safety reduces stress or tension in the mind and body. Going to bed with a mind full of worry may result in a restless sleep so a few minutes at the end of the day to just sit and listen can help. Your child might also love to be comforted with some cozy blankets, a low-lit room, and a nice big hug goodnight.